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A young mother and her pre-school child share a tender moment admiring his superhero snackables.
Anpanman is not alone in Anpan Land! The Bread-head incredibles are always saving the day with their special super-pan powers! Where as Anpanman`s bun is bursting with sweet bean filling, Currypanman`s cranium is crammed with curry (center of the photo). Shokupanman, a slice of white bread, has no delicous filling, but he makes up for it with his dashing good looks (upper right). Shokupanman is Anpanman's closest and most handsome superhero friend. Patron super-snack of school lunches, he is the resident gaijin of Anpan Land, complete with the gaijin powers many foreign men recieve upon entry in Japan. He`s quite a hit with the ladies! Suprisingly enough, Shokupanman's secret headquarters lie deep within Toaster Mountain.
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