Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Hanagasa Gyoretsu: Gion Higashi

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The stunningly sweet Tsunemomo, highest ranking maiko of her district. Can I just reiterate how much I love this? Hidden in a huddle of photographers and spectators, she spotted me. She remembered me! She went out of her way to talk to me and make me feel special. Isin't she beautiful? Good luck, Momo-chan!

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The district's newest geiko, Masayo led her younger sisters with her noticeably superior dancing skills and captivating stage presence.

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Miharu, the lowest ranking maiko in Higashi. Whatever she may lack in experience or skill, she more than makes up for with charm and beauty.
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One of two new faces in Gion Higashi, this young girl will make her debut as a maiko in September. For the moment, she is a shikomi, "in training" to prepare her for that day.
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Before making their debut as maiko, shikomi study kimono, Kyoto dialect, and classical Japanese etiquette.

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